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Username Post: 63 Impala will not start        (Topic#375828)
Posts: 55

Loc: nc
Reg: 01-29-17
10-10-24 01:00 PM - Post#2874558    

Good afternoon, I have gone a long time with no post, but I have an issue. I have a 63 impala with a 350 motor, car was cranking and running just fine. Car has all new wiring harness' I moved the starter solenoid to the fire wall; the car has electric ignition, car still staring and running fine. Today when I open the car door the inside lights worked fine, when I turn the key to start the car, the car made a popping sound, which seem to have come from the battery then everything went dead, no power to the switch, no power coming into the car, the battery is well charged, no clicking from the starter, no interior lights, everything is totally dead, rechecked battery still everything is dead. Put battery charger leads directly to the battery cables everything still dead; no power seems to be coming into the car. Can someone give me a starting point or does someone know what's going on.


Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2354
Loc: No. Virginia
Reg: 01-18-13
10-10-24 02:00 PM - Post#2874559    
    In response to tk63impala

Look at the horn relay.


Posts: 55

Loc: nc
Reg: 01-29-17
10-10-24 04:13 PM - Post#2874564    
    In response to japete92

Thank you, sorry I was eager for an answer posted on wrong forum.

Ultra Senior Member
Posts: 11515

Reg: 03-25-05
10-12-24 03:19 AM - Post#2874591    
    In response to tk63impala

Check the connections on the "ford" start relay on the firewall.

66 Corvair (driving)
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Posts: 55

Loc: nc
Reg: 01-29-17
10-12-24 03:39 AM - Post#2874592    
    In response to acardon

Thanks, I will. I may just change everything back the way it was, was having problems will hot starts.

Senior Member
Posts: 308

Loc: Canby, Oregon
Reg: 03-25-03
10-12-24 08:47 AM - Post#2874601    
    In response to tk63impala

Sounds like a blown fusible link or main fuse, popping sound, not sure what they used in that year?

Edited by 52_Belair on 10-12-24 08:48 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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