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Username Post: 5th generation door squeak when closing        (Topic#369195)
Senior Member
Posts: 829
Loc: Cottage Grove,Minnesota. ...
Reg: 05-03-02
08-13-22 07:23 PM - Post#2845887    

Hi guys, I am usually over in the 65-66 full-size forums but last year I added a new toy to my collection and bought a 2011 2SS automatic car with 28k miles. I Love the car but it has developed a unusual squeak when you close the doors. Mostly it's the driver's side but now the passenger side has started doing it occasionally as well. I thought it sounded like the striker but the dealer tried adjusting it with no change. They thought it could b the door seal but it looks perfect. It also makes no difference if the window is up or down. Has anyone else experienced this issue? It's extremely annoying. I am not sure where to turn so I was hoping someone might be able to shed a little light on this mystery. Any info is greatly appreciated.


Site Ambassador
Posts: 15802

Loc: Baltimore, MD
Reg: 11-27-04
10-10-22 06:33 PM - Post#2848369    
    In response to Jonechev

Have you checked the door check strap? In case you don’t know, it’s the bar that bolts to the door jamb that limits how far the door will open. They often don’t get lubricated regularly and develop a squeak. The easiest thing to do is lubricate it and open and close the door repeatedly to distribute the lube. If you want to make certain that is what it is before you lube it you can unbolt it from the pillar, retract it, then swing the door towards the closed position and see if it makes the noise. It can be hard to pull it back out to bolt it back up though.

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