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Username Post: speedometer question
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
Posts: 26159
Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
01-09-25 05:43 PM - Post#2876933    
    In response to smithd7

Wow. Easier to diagnose if it was the entire cluster. The step motor could be failing. Since it does come back to life, I would suspect a bad solder joint. Do you have a scanner that can read speed? You can hook it up and see live data. If it's continuous, the output sensor is good. A bad connection at the cluster will be hard to diagnose. There are companies that specialize on fixing instrument clusters.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
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