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Username Post: GMPARTSWIKI (for numbers chasers)
"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 6800
Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
08-04-24 11:24 AM - Post#2872384    

Attachment: GM_PARTS_WIKI_DISPLAY.jpg (618.03 KB) 316 View(s)

Of which I am one. Sometimes, as a last resort, I will use this GMPARTSWIKI web site. Once you plug a part number in, it will search multiple manuals and display the catalog and page of that particular part number.


Attached is a screen capture of a part number I researched today. There were no less than 30+ hits for this particular carburetor/ carburetor part numnber. It has come in handy for me more than a few times. It may be a valuable tool to add to your tool box.
1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)

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