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Username Post: Fix for GM-Doors Window channel Weather Stripping-cracking/falling apart
Posts: 5

Reg: 10-15-22
01-31-24 11:27 AM - Post#2866445    
    In response to rocknrod


Just want to add after over 1 year I’m very happy with the product.

I even used it on my dad’s old 90 Century which had the rubber dried out and broken off on the inside side of the window.

I applied it on top of the old on all outside and inside 4 door windows.
Luckily there was just enough of the old to support the new on top.

Be sure to first thoroughly clean with a rag and rubbing alcohol UNTIL there is no more black yuck coming off the old, so the new can stick to it.

I also used in the outside of my friends 98 Century which was a challenge because the black like plastic coating was chipped down the side as well-more than the new rubber would cover/hide. So to cover that, I also applied new rubber over that lower area, butting the seam to the seam of the other-top horizontal strip.
But with the rubber lip edge pointing down.
Also then I applied some E6000 glue to the horizontal seam where the new pieces touch. I didn’t have to care much about excess E6000 since it wears/blends in over time looks great after a few years.
Under the side view mirrors can be tricky but just trim as needed and you can figure it out to look very oem. Looks very nice/oem again!

I will most likely be adding this on top my good rubber on my fore van just to protect the original from sun aging.

Take care
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