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Username Post: Transmission fluid change
Super Senior Member
Posts: 6916

Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
01-28-24 10:04 AM - Post#2866375    
    In response to elcamino

personaly i would drop the pan, add a plug, replace the filter and change the fluid. future fluid changes, every other oil change or so, would just be drain and fill. the filter is most likely just a screen. draining might get half the fluid out. a flush would get costly and you would need to make an apointment and all the hassle that goes with that. plus the upsell bs. i would also get a spare fill plug, just in case. it may seem to much for lots of people but thats what i would do for a car i intend to keep... plus more. lol
70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.

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