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Username Post: Swapping out rear center section for 1950 3600
Posts: 85

Loc: NorCal
Reg: 10-24-18
06-12-24 08:05 PM - Post#2870818    
    In response to Bigblue50

I can't figure out how to quote your message, but suffice to say you'll probably need a '54 or newer rear axle if you want to get rid of the torque tube, which is not compatible with much.

You're going to need the open driveshaft also.

I don't know about the width of the 3600, since it's a big truck, and I have a '46 3100. I used a '55 rear axle.

Do you have a 261 inline 6 in your 3600?
"Keroppi" - 1946 Chevy 1/2 Ton Pickup

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