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Username Post: Fix for GM-Doors Window channel Weather Stripping-cracking/falling apart
Posts: 5

Reg: 10-15-22
08-16-23 08:00 PM - Post#2861627    


Just wanted to pay it forward to the forum and share a fix I found for GM vehicle's worn out-Doors Window channel Weather Moulding Stripping-cracking, just dried out and falling apart.
A prevalent problem for GM vehicles for many years from what I see at the salvage yard.
I didn't see anything on any known fixes for this on the forum.

Just did my friend's 2007 Chevy Monte Carlo and it looks great. Parts were only about $6.
Thought I'd share the info and pics for anyone else looking to fix the same thing on their GM vehicle to keep it going and presentable and problem free and protect the under felt window strip from the sun/elements as OEM intended.

Since the original pieces are no longer available and was cost prohibitive, the only fix I could find was this peel and stick on top good quality rubber 20mm wide x 2m e bay. It was enough to do 3 doors(have some for another vehicle) on this 2 door car.
"4M Rubber Seal Strip Car Front Rear Side Window Trim Edge Moulding Weatherstrip". I believe it is also sold in a 15mm wide as well.

I first removed any broken pieces from the window inner felt weather stripping. Tweezers came in handy for that, the ones that fell into the felt channel! Also cut off any "dangling" dried up rubber pieces.

Then I thoroughly wiped the old rubber trim surface with a rag with paint thinner, twice. Then wiped it with rubbing alcohol on a rag and let it dry.

This stuff is just peel red backing and stick on. Line up one end and stretch it out and stick in place here and there till your sure you have it where you want it.
On the Monte Carlo the OEM doesn't actually touch the window so I places it the same. It covered up and hid the old stuff's broken edge just great and is flexible and I'd say a bit thicker than the OEM stuff.

It wouldn't fit under the side mirrors so I cut it off there, hidden, it's not needed there anyway.

I'm going to do my friend's 98 Century next, it's really bad with metal rusting even. Will have to paint the rusted metal first.

Hmm well I don't see where I can post my pics here. I'll post on another forum as well.

Take care
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